Today, State Court Chief Judge T. Russell McClelland presided over a mock trial presented by 8th graders from Classical Conversations, Cumming and Alpharetta District.
Today, State Court Chief Judge T. Russell McClelland presided over a mock trial presented by 8th grade students from Classical Conversations.
Congratulations to Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Christopher Willis for receiving the William Everett Bennett Legacy Award!
Juvenile Court Judge Heather Dunn was happy to welcome Troop 22185 to the courthouse.
Students from Classical Conversations visited Juvenile Court to meet with Presiding Judge Christopher Willis in preparation for their upcoming mock trial.
This morning, Superior Court Judge David L. Dickinson met with students from Classical Conversations who came to tour the courthouse and prepare for an upcoming mock trial.
Today, Chief Superior Court Judge Jeffrey S. Bagley had the pleasure of administering the attorney oath to Brandy Medina, who recently passed the Georgia State Bar Exam.
Chief Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Bagley and Chief Georgia Supreme Court Justice Michael Boggs were featured speakers at the 20th Anniversary Forsyth County Drug Court Graduation ceremony.
Today was a landmark day at the First Annual Forsyth County Juvenile Court Stakeholders Meeting.
Today, students from Westminster School’s CSI class visited Superior Court Judge Philip C. Smith to learn how crime scene evidence is used in court.